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The technological process of precision casting of stainless steel is emphasized

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The technological process of precision casting of stainless steel is emphasized

Release date:2017-10-09 Author: Click:

In the production of stainless steel products, in order to accurately produce all kinds of irregular shape (such as hollow products), the use of precision casting process.

1. Make molds according to different shapes of products.The mould is divided into upper and lower concave die through turning, planing, milling, corrosion, electric spark and other comprehensive processes.Therefore, choose the melting point is not high hardness is not high, low requirements, cheaper, lighter weight of aluminum alloy material to do the mold.

2. Use this mold to produce a large number of industrial wax core models.Make good use of the spare wax mold make good use of the spare wax mold make good use of the spare wax mold make good use of the spare wax mold make good use of the commercial wax mold.

3. Let the wax mold with the first layer of fine sand be naturally dried at the set room temperature or constant temperature. The natural drying time depends on the internal complexity of the product.

4. After the first sandblasting and natural air drying, continue to coat the surface of the wax mold with the industrial glue silicon slurry and spray the second layer of sand, the size of which is larger and coarser than the previous first layer of sand.Again the natural air drying, and so on to the fifth sandblasting process.

5. Apply a layer of white industrial latex evenly to the wax mold that has completed the sandblasting process before the baking process, so as to bond and solidify the sand mold and seal the wax mold for the next baking process.Precision foundry


This article URL:http://cgik.cn/en/news/361.html

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