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Why precision casting accuracy is important for gear selection

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Why precision casting accuracy is important for gear selection

Release date:2017-10-09 Author: Click:

You know what?Precision casting is the key factor in machining gears. Want to know why?Take a look at what we have to say:

Design is a key step precision casting is also a starting step, the design for gear precision casting is the key step in the it, it is relation with the casting quality and level of the gear, at the design stage to choose more appropriate precision casting gear material selection, advanced and reasonable structure design, there is no lack of efficient and reliable gear and bearing.Precision foundry

Precision casting without grinding burn cracks and quality assurance premise, it is necessary to use higher grinding parameters to shorten the grinding time, so as to improve grinding efficiency, improve output, but also to ensure its accuracy, reduce the surface roughness.Through the use of more appropriate grinding oil, can guarantee under the premise of good lubrication, anti-rust, grinding surface of tooth surface is more conducive to reduce stress and avoid burns, cracks, lower roughness and reduce the extent of the grinding wheel blowhole, ensure sharp grinding wheel, it is reduced the grinding wheel dressing, reduce the dosage of grinding wheel, reduce the cost.

Next time I will bring you the knowledge of precision casting, hope you can support me, hope you can pay attention to my dynamic, we will see you next time!

This article URL:http://cgik.cn/en/news/351.html

Related tags:精密鑄造廠

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