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How to build the future of Chinas foundry industry

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How to build the future of Chinas foundry industry

Release date:2017-10-09 Author: Click:

According to the law of market economy, the powerful precision casting enterprises can achieve the competitive economic scale through merger, reorganization and association.Small enterprises follow the path of "specialization, refinement and specialization", and set up specialized small foundries with lean personnel, flexible operation and strong strain capacity. Through cooperation and establishment of enterprise network, they establish cooperative partnership with large enterprise groups, complement each other's advantages, improve the level of social production and form their own competitive advantages.It is necessary to establish and perfect the technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body as soon as possible and accelerate the construction of technological innovation ability of enterprises.Actively promote joint development projects of production, study and research;Gradually increase investment in enterprise technology innovation, focus on the development of computer-aided design, aided manufacturing, technology and management, computer integrated manufacturing system, computer simulation technology, agile manufacturing technology, rapid response manufacturing technology, precision manufacturing technology, and other high and new technology and new material, new technology application in foundry production, with high and new technology transformation in foundry enterprise, promote enterprise technology upgrades.

Facing the fierce foreign market competition, enterprises are required to have higher market development ability.Enterprises should enhance their economic and trade awareness, be familiar with wto rules, and use the wto anti-dumping law and relevant Chinese laws and regulations to enhance their ability to protect themselves.Under the premise of guaranteeing quality, we should reduce production cost and improve product competitiveness.Foundry enterprises must implement talent strategy, people-oriented.We will formulate policies to attract and stabilize scientific and technological personnel and create conditions to attract them to work in enterprises.

To have outstanding innovation ability, not only to be able to produce, more importantly, to have their own innovative technology and innovative casting products in these areas, with advanced production technology and excellent quality.In addition, strong casting equipment and raw and auxiliary materials enterprises and casting consulting institutions support is also a strong factor in casting.In these respects, China's foundry enterprises clearly need to work harder.

This article URL:http://cgik.cn/en/news/375.html

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