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Experts give advice on how to build a powerful casting country

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Experts give advice on how to build a powerful casting country

Release date:2017-10-09 Author: Click:

Experts pointed out that China's foundry industry is large but not strong outstanding problems are: scale, lack of strength;Quantity, lack of faucet;Speed, lack of efficiency;Export, lack of class;Progress, lack of innovation;Management, lack of fine;He was a "virtual fat man", a "giant" with weak muscles and bones.The global financial crisis triggered great turbulence, adjustment and reorganization in the global market, which formed a countervailing mechanism for China's foundry industry.Some small businesses have been washed out of the market.Precision foundry

It is a problem that the foundry industry in China must face that the overall technology, equipment and technical level of foundry enterprises are far behind that of developed countries.China has a large number of foundry enterprises, with a total of more than 30,000, which is more than the total number of foundries all over the world.Due to the large number of foundries and small scale, the average annual output of each enterprise is very low, only 1/9~1/4 of that of developed countries, even lower than the average output of Indian enterprises.For example, the casting enterprises with an annual output of less than 1000 tons account for 30%~50% of the total number of casting enterprises in Shanxi Province. 

In addition, although the foundry industry in the national economy industry is not ranked in the most serious energy consumption and pollution, but in the machinery manufacturing industry belongs to the industry of high energy consumption and serious environmental pollution.The energy consumption of casting industry accounts for 25%~30% of the total energy consumption of machinery industry.For every 1 ton of qualified casting, about 50kg of dust, 1000~2000 cubic meters of waste gas, 0.5~1.0 tons of waste sand and 300 kg of waste residue should be discharged.In some developed countries, the emission of three wastes from producing one ton of qualified castings is less than 1/10 of China. The investment in environmental protection in the foundry accounts for 20%~30% of the total equipment investment in the foundry, while China only accounts for 5%~10%.There are more than 700 foundry enterprises in a city of hebei province, with 1,400 sets of smelting equipment, most of which have no dust removal facilities, only simple "dust cap".The investigation shows that only 5% of the foundry in China can reach the level of the foundry in developed countries in Europe and America and meet the requirements of ISO9002.

This article URL:http://cgik.cn/en/news/386.html

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